Motion Sickness
Motion sickness is a sensation of wooziness. It usually occurs when you’re traveling by car, boat, plane, or train. Your body’s sensory organs send mixed messages to your brain, causing dizziness, lightheadedness, or nausea. Women and children are more prone to motion sickness, but it can affect anyone. You can take steps while traveling to reduce your risk of getting sick.
Many actions can trigger motion sickness, such as:
- Amusement Park rides and virtual reality experiences.
- Reading while in motion.
- Riding in a boat, car, bus, train, or plane.
- Video games and movies.
You maintain balance with the help of signals sent by many parts of the body for instance, your eyes and inner ears. Other sensory receptors in your legs and feet let your nervous system know what parts of your body are touching the ground.
Conflicting signals can cause motion sickness. For example, when you’re on an airplane you can’t see turbulence, but your body can feel it. The resulting confusion can cause nausea or even vomiting.
You may feel fine one moment and then suddenly experience some of these symptoms:
Your healthcare provider asks you to describe your symptoms, and what brings on these symptoms. Your healthcare provider may also perform a physical exam and check your eyes and ears.
Motion sickness usually resolves on its own within 24 hours after the motion stops. Some people even become accustomed to motion on longer cruises and train trips, and their symptoms may ease or go away.
It’s possible that you could become dehydrated if you vomit a great deal due to motion sickness. Try to drink as much fluid as possible to avoid
Get medical attention if you experience:
Besides the possibility of dehydration, motion sickness isn’t likely to cause any long-term health issues.
You have some options to prevent motion sickness or treat symptoms. Motion sickness treatments include:
Commonly used to treat allergies, antihistaminescan also prevent motion sickness and ease symptoms. Only antihistamines that cause drowsiness are effective.
Scopolamine skin patches or oral pills prevent nausea and vomiting. You stick the patch behind your ear at least four hours before traveling. After three days, you remove the patch and apply a new one. This medication can cause dry mouth and is only approved for adults.
Motion sickness doesn’t tend to cause serious problems. Rarely, some people can’t stop throwing up. Excessive vomiting can cause
dehydration and
low blood pressure (hypotension).
Most people who are susceptible to motion sickness are aware of the fact. If you’re prone to motion sickness, the following preventive measures may help.
When scheduling a trip, plan in advance. While flying, request a window or wing seat. On trains, boats, or buses, sit toward the front and try to avoid facing backward. Whenever possible, open a window for fresh air and avoid reading.
Sitting in the front of a car or bus, or driving yourself, often helps. Many people who experience motion sickness in a vehicle find that they don’t have the symptoms when they’re driving.
It’s important to get plenty of rest the night before traveling and avoid drinking alcohol. Dehydration, headache, and anxiety all lead to poorer outcomes if you’re prone to motion sickness.
Eat well so that your stomach is settled. Avoid greasy or acidic foods before and during your travels.
For pilots, astronauts, or others who experience motion sickness regularly or as part of their profession, cognitive therapy and
biofeedback are possible solutions. Breathing exercises have also been found to help. These treatments also work for people who feel unwell when they even just think about traveling.
- Almost everyone feels motion sickness at some time in their lives.
- You may vomit due to the unpleasant feeling and nausea.
- When traveling, you can’t always avoid the movement that’s making you sick.
- See your doctor if you travel frequently and often experience motion sickness. There may be prescription medications or other treatment options available to you.